If you are reading this, thank you for visiting my shiny, brand-new blog! This is the first post on my first blog; I must admit I'm feeling excited but also a little nervous. I'm looking forward to recording my musings (many of which I hope are amusing...) and stories about our family. If anyone out there - family, friends, or others - enjoy reading my site, that's such a joy! At the very least, I know my mom will be reading. Hi there, Mom!
I suppose I'll start by telling you a little bit about us. My name is Jen (Jennifer for business and Jenny to those who I love the most) and I'm married to a fantastic guy named Ira. When we met we were both living in New Jersey. Ira decided to move back home to Los Angeles before we started dating. After a couple years of friendship-sometimes-dating, we decided that I'd move west to give our relationship a solid shot. After the dreamiest marriage proposal (a story for another day) and nine months of engagement we married on Isla Mujeres, off the coast of Cancun in Mexico, on Valentine's Day 2009.
Since we married, life has been moving at a whirlwind pace. On our honeymoon, Ira decided to start his own marketing business, and bing! bang! boom! here we go! Three months after the wedding, a spell of nausea made me raise an eyebrow and kapowee! our sweet Kensey Rose was on the way. She's four months old now and the light of our lives. It's been a fast-paced ride, but an absolute pleasure. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Speaking of Kensey, I'm so grateful to be home with her and amazed to see her grow and change. Last week my gal started expressing herself with raspberries (you know, sticking your tongue out between your lips and blowing). There were happy raspberries, frustrated raspberries, tired ones, etc. This week, she's added growling to her sound repertoire. Yes, growling. So, imagine this, she's a wide-eyed, little bitty thing that smiles, raspberries, and then shifts to a low, guttural, extended growl. And that's an expression of happiness!

It's quite late so I'm signing off for now. My mind is swirling with topics for future posts. I'm so excited to write again that I hope I'm able to sleep tonight!
yay!! next thing you know, you're gonna have posts lined up as drafts because you'll be thinking of things to say faster than you can blink an eye :) - enjoy!
ReplyDeleteYay! I find myself taking notes in my phone these days because ideas just keep coming to me throughout the day. Blogging is highly addictive! Thanks for being my inspiration, Jacin.