Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Little Four Month Old!

Our little baby went to the doctor this week for her four month check-up. I'm pleased to report that she weighs 15.15 lbs and is 26 inches long. The doctor described her as perfect!

A couple new things Kensey is doing that we love:

- She has started pulling her pacifier out of her mouth, examining it, and then tries to put it back in place. It's very entertaining and sweet; the pacifier always goes in backwards or sideways.

- There is nothing better than getting Kensey when she first wakes up for the day or from a nap. She is so excited to see us - she grins from ear to ear, kicks her legs and wildly waves her arms. It's the most wonderful, heart-melting, pure expression of joy and love in the world.


  1. i couldn't see the last picture! i love kensey pics - she is so precious :)

  2. Hey J - the last photo is a video and it's in Mac format. Let me see if I can reformat...
